Thanks for playing! You probably have questions.
Wait, what's this? What did I do?
Good job, you completed my first alternate reality game! I hope it was fun and not insanely frustrating. :-P.
No, but seriously, what happened?
Lots of stuff. If you're not able to answer that question at least a tiny bit, you haven't been paying close enough attention.
Ooh, what's the prize?
Prize? What prize? The point was to (try to) immerse the audience in a story, one that is interesting and has a focus on both the individual stories and how they cross paths. And, gee, do they cross paths a lot! Reading for the sake of reading; learning for the sake of learning. That's the entire point, not everything has to be done for a reward. In this day and age, meaning is primarily given by explicit gifts (such as gift cards), rather than in the enjoyment of the acitivity itself. So if you had fun, if you collaborated with others, if you sparked some discussion, good for you. That's your prize. If you didn't, I'm surprised you stuck around this long.
If you want to argue, send any arguments to V. S. via her email address; she probably has something insightful to say.
Are there any key elements?
Yeah, a few motifs here and there. Oh, and you'll need this: etaoin shrdlu.
Did you get any help or guidance?
Definitely! While I did do most of this myself, yes, I got help.
Special thanks to:
- S. Christie and K. Garner for prop design
- C. Engell, A. Santos & S. Birka, P. Fergus for hearing out the idea and risk analysis
- A. Bednarz & L. Medeiros for working out the logistics
- M. T. Hare for promotion of the game
- M. Petrella (D&D) for supervision
- R. Calabrese, R. Denison, R. Hummel, D. Nagler, C. O'Brien,... for use of their rooms
- and H. Cacilhas for approving the project!
What now?
Well, if you want to continue learning about these characters and their stories, you're in luck! Bookmark this page (CTRL+ D on Firefox and Chrome; CMD + D on Safari) because there's an archive right here. Note that the stories are sorted in alphabetical order, not chronological order.
Written Stories
- Celia
- Celia 0
- Crime and Culpability: Act Four
- Indifferent
- The Story of Pride Neilsen
- Wilted Flower
- Worlds
- Puzzlez prototype
- Visiting Somewhere
- Coming soon...
Other Mediums
Who are you?
You really want to know, huh? Okay:
Confused? See the files named "rams.txt" and "pang.png".